Medical Humanites and Health Studies
The PhD Minor in Medical Humanities and Health Studies offers an interdisciplinary course of study drawn from the social science and humanities disciplines of liberal arts, as well as courses and participation of faculty from other schools. The field of Medical Humanities and Health Studies provides students with the qualitative humanistic and socio-cultural perspectives on medicine and health care, in contrast to the clinical/objective approach traditionally taken in biomedicine.
Required Course (students will take one required course):
- MHHS-M 501: The Human Condition (3 cr. hrs.)
Elective Courses (students will chose three elective courses):
- MHHS-M 504: Intro to Res Ethics
- MHHS-M 520: Culture of Mental Illness
- MHHS-M 592: Topics in Medical Humanities & Health Studies
- MHHS-M 598: Readings in Medical Humanities and Health Studies
- PHIL-P 547: Foundations of Bioethics
- PHIL-P 696: Topics in Biomedical Ethics
- PHIL-P 555: Ethical and Policy Issues in International Research
- COMM-C 592: Advanced Health Communication
- COMM-C 510: Health Provider-Consumer Communication
- COMM-C 521: Family Communication in Health Contexts
- COMM-C 591: Variable Topics in Health Communication
- COMM-C 695: Seminar in Communication and Healthcare
- SOC-R 585: Social Aspects Mental Health/Mental Illness
- SOC-R 515: Sociology of Health and Illness
- SOC-S 610: Sociology of Health and Illness Behavior
- SOC-S 526: Sociology of Human Sexuality
- SOC-S 560: Topics in Medical Sociology
- ANTH-A 560: Topics in Medical Anthropology
- ENG-L 592: Literature and Medicine
- HIST-H 546: History of Science, Medicine and Technology